Protect yourself against HPV!

Everything you need to know about HPV!

Up to 90% of the sexually active population in Switzerland is affected by human papillomaviruses (HPV). These viruses can cause genital warts and, in the worst cases, cancer. But don’t worry, OneDoc, in cooperation with MSD Switzerland, is here to answer all the questions you might have about HPV!

Protégez-vous des HPV!
Les HPV c'est quoi?

What is HPV?

HPV are viruses that can be transmitted through skin and sexual contact and are responsible for various types of genital cancer, including cervical, anal and throat cancer.

Did you know? 50% of infection-related cancers in industrialized countries are caused by HPV? That’s why it’s so important to inform and protect yourself!

What is HPV?

HPV are viruses that can be transmitted through skin and sexual contact and are responsible for various types of genital cancer, including cervical, anal and throat cancer.

Did you know? 50% of infection-related cancers in industrialized countries are caused by HPV? That’s why it’s so important to inform and protect yourself!

Les HPV c'est quoi?

HPV who is concerned?

Everyone! HPV makes no distinction between the sexes. They are extremely widespread and affect up to 90% of the sexually active population in Switzerland. Whatever your sex or your age is, the probability that you will come into contact with HPV in the course of your life is high. However, with the right information and preventive measures, you can reduce the risk and protect your health.

› Book an appointment for the HPV vaccination!

HPV qui est touché?
Les HPV touchent tout le monde, les hommes et les femmes.

What are the symptoms of HPV?

In most cases, HPV does not cause any symptoms and disappears within a year. That’s for the good news. The bad news is that it’s therefore difficult to know if you are contagious. The other bad news is that in about 10% of cases, HPV can lead to genital warts or, more rarely, to serious complications such as cancer.

Did you know? In about 1% of cases HPV will lead to cancer. These can develop 5 to 20 years after the initial infection. Symptoms such as bleeding or pain can indicate cancer, for example.

› Book an appointment for the HPV vaccination!

What are the symptoms of HPV?

In most cases, HPV does not cause any symptoms disappears within a year. That’s for the good news. The bad news is that it’s therefore difficult to know if you are contagious. The other bad news is that in about 10% of cases, HPV can lead to genital warts or, more rarely, to serious complications such as cancer.

Did you know? In about 1% of cases HPV will lead to cancer. These can develop 5 to 20 years after the initial infection. Symptoms such as bleeding or pain can indicate cancer, for example.

› Book an appointment for the HPV vaccination!

Les HPV touchent tout le monde, les hommes et les femmes.

Protect yourself and your partner now!

The best way to protect yourself and others against HPV is to get vaccinated. Vaccination can provide protection against 90% of the high-risk HPV types associated with cancer. If you are between 11 and 26 in Switzerland, the vaccine is free and covered by your basic insurance. Don’t wait, book your appointment now for vaccination, regular check-ups or a consultation with your doctor.

› Book an appointment for the HPV vaccination!

Prêt à agir?

Book your appointment now!

Don’t let HPV impact your health. Book an appointment online today in a few clicks with one of our healthcare partners.

Book your appointment now!

Don’t let HPV impact your health. Book an appointment online today in a few clicks with one of our healthcare partners.

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